Saturday, April 16, 2016


                V.                                            Case No. 16-cv-14
                                                                Western District of Wisconsin
                     JUDICIAL CONDUCT and DISABILITY ACT OF 1980
                                                  28 U.S.C. sec. 351- 364
               Rules for Judicial Conduct and Judicial- Disability Proceedings
                                             248 F.D.R. 674 ( 2008 ) ( Rules )
Misconduct - Chief Judge William Conley - conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts.
Chief Judge William Conley fails to uphold the integrity & Independence of the Judiciary by refusing to enforce the 1st amendment right to freedom of the press which is a guaranteed right which government cannot prevent. We have no rights if they are not enforced. Here he refuses to adhere to the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land. This is evidence of no integrity to adhere to the demands of the Constitution. See; racialequalitydemandedfromcourts.blogspot. The 1st amendment demands government cannot prevent this as it is an evil to be prevented.
ANNOTATION 10 - First amendment - Subsequent Punishment: Clear and Present Danger and other Test. - ''[The purpose of the speech-press clauses] has evidently been to protect parties in the free publication of matters of public concern, to secure their right to a free discussion of public events and public measures, and to enable every citizen at any time to bring the government and any person in authority to the bar of public opinion by any just criticism upon their conduct in the exercise of the authority which the people have conferred upon them. . . . The evils to be prevented were not the censorship of the press merely, but any action of the government by means of which it might prevent such free and general discussion of public matters as seems absolutely essential to prepare the people for an intelligent exercise of their rights as citizens.''
The 1st amendment clearly states “ to enable every citizen at any time to bring the government and any person in authority to the bar of public opinion by any just criticism upon their conduct in the exercise of authority which the people have conferred upon them. / Here he denies me the same right which is entitled to every other citizen which VIOLATES my HUMAN RIGHTS.
Definition - human rights - a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person.
Phone record recording prove I asked Clerk to address exceeding 90 day advisement.
Judge David Kiely violates the 14th amendment right to due process which is just criticism to entitle me to the right to freedom of the press to inform the public who have a right to know.
See; [ transcripts page 125, 250, There is also evidence he violates the unalienable right “ all men are created equal “ guaranteed by the 6th amendment right to a speedy trial, fair & impartial jury, & public defender.]
Mr. Vowels: … I don’t think Indiana is in compliance with the federal government’s motor/voter registration law. As a result of that we don’t get a fair cross section in the venire and, as a result of that my client’s rights under the State & Federal Constitution to a fair and impartial jury as mandated through the Fourteenth Amendment and through the federal legislation- I think that’s been violated. So for the record I make that argument as well.
The Court - Show it overruled.
The Defendant - There is a violation your honor.
The Court - Show it overruled.
There is no Judge appointed or otherwise that can overrule the State & Federal Constitution. This is justification to the right to freedom of the press because I have evidence Judge David Kiely violates the right to fair & impartial jury.
Judge William Conley shows impropriety by delaying the enforcement of the 1st amendment by putting it under advisement to delay another 90 days because there is evidence of corruption in the U.S. Supreme Court. This is a right I can execute at any time so there is no justification to put it under advisement because he has no decision to make as the 1st amendment states the EVIL TO BE PREVENTED IS ANY ACTION BY GOVERNMENT TO PREVENT THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH-PRESS. Impropriety defined - a failure to observe standards or show due honesty or modesty; improper language, behavior, or character. / The 1st amendment guarantee to enable me this right at anytime & his refusal is failure to observe the demand of the constitution.
[ See; / rights delayed are rights denied ]
[ / U.S. Supreme Ct. abuse of power - article I sec. 9 powers denied government. Habeas Corpus. ] [ ]
Misconduct violates rights under color of law because he is reminded of the code of conduct, still violates rights.
This is Chief Judge William Conley misconduct & failure to perform his duties of the office fairly, impartially, & diligently. Immediate means at once but he refused to enforce my right to freedom of the press not only 3 time but has yet to enforce the law even now because he has passed the 90 day limit to hold it under advisement. [ Disability in the proceedings ] Here he denies my rights with prejudice because I am a Black man striving for EQUALITY as well as Justice. Discrimination against a pro se’ litigant, on account of race, ethnicity, sex, & delay the public from knowing the entire Judicial Branch of government is corrupt so the motive is to delay for as long as possible my right to freedom of the press.
This is partisan political activity because Chief Judge William Conley is a member of the Judicial Branch of which I have evidence of corruption. Misconduct in that The Constitution says this is an EVIL TO BE PREVENTED SO THE TREATMENT IS DEMONSTRABLY EGREGIOUS, AND A HOSTILE MANNER DUE TO MY HARDSHIP OF POVERTY THERE IS THE THREAT OF DEATH WITHOUT MONEY FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT, FOOD, HOUSING, & MONEY FOR SUPPORT OF MY FIANCE & FAMILY. The 1st amendment says it’s EVIL  NOT TO BE DONE as it says an evil to be prevented is any action of the government preventing my right to freedom of the press.
Beyond all doubt Chief Judge William Conley has denied my right to freedom of the press to conceal judicial Branch corruption for as long as possible by having to file a complaint he succeeds in the delay even further.
  Wherefore, the plaintiff DEMANDS IN ALL RESPECT, that the 7th circuit INTERVENE as a MATTER OF FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF THE PRESS that the 1st amendment be executed & enforced this April 22, 2016. “ We the people have no rights unless they are enforce as the litigants being the media have refused my first amendment right to inform the public & continued such actions in violation of the 1st amendment. The FCC commissioner Tom Wheeler who gave broadcast stations the discretion as what they air cannot give my right to freedom of the press to the Broadcast stations or media as this is censorship which again the first amendment states is to be prevented. Giving the media this discretion they have ABUSED IT  because in that letter it has to be in the best interest of the public. Concealing government corruption is not in the interest of upholding the integrity of the constitution as intended by the Framers of the constitution because the 1st amendment upholds it by exposing corruption. The defendant conceal government corruption which is of public concern. IN ORDER TO BE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PEOPLE IT SERVES, GOVERNMENT MUST BE HONEST & OPEN ABOUT ITS WORK. Judges are independent, BUT THEY MUST ENFORCE THE LAW, THEREFORE THE 7TH CIRCUIT IS MOVED TO ENFORCE MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 BY SENDING ORDERS TO ALL DEFENDANTS TO CEASE DENYING THE 1st AMENDMENT RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IMMEDIATELY & GRANT JESHA MILLER FRONT PAGE PUBLICATION OF GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION AS WELL AS TV APPEARANCES ON SHOWS SUCH AS GOOD MORNING AMERICA, & INTERNET NEWS. This adheres to the first amendment demand that government cannot prevent  SUCH FREE & GENERAL DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC MATTERS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL TO PREPARE THE PEOPLE FOR AN INTELLIGENT EXERCISE OF THEIR RIGHTS AS CITIZENS. First amendment further states; DESPITE POPULAR MISUNDERSTANDING THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF THE PRESS GUARANTEED BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT IS NOT VERY MUCH DIFFERENT FROM THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH. IT ALLOWS AN INDIVIDUAL TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES THROUGH PUBLICATION & DISSEMINATION. Dissemination - the act of spreading something, especially information widely. I, Jesha Miller, therefore am executing my first amendment right, to be enforced by the 7th Circuit this April 22, 2016 by the Court immediately ORDERING FCC commissioner Tom Wheeler & ALL DEFENDANTS  to CEASE DENYING MY RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. To ORDER Tom Wheeler immediately issue letter & call to all media informing them I am entitled to freedom of the press to stop any further concealment of government corruption & abuse of power by officials in the performance of their duty. As a Judge, the 7th Circuit has a DUTY TO ENFORCE THE LAW, THE CONSTITUTION IS THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.
Respectfully empowered by the Constitution & Bill of Rights - Jesha D. Miller
Date: April 14, 2016
Jesha D. Miller
1733 Davcohn Ave.
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 2531
Certified number 7015 0640 0004 4022 3352

                              IN THE UNITED STATE COURT DISTRICT COURT
                            FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN


           vs                                                           Case No. 16 - cv - 14


                                    CASE UNDER ADVISEMENT ENTERING DAY 83
                        ENFORCE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF PRESS MARCH 31, 2016

   Come now, Jesha Miller, respectfully Demanding the Court enforce my first amendment right to freedom of speech - press this March 31, 2016. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land. Judge William Conley is independent and has put the case under advisement which he did in error & now must correct the mistake because the first amendment is a guaranteed right, not to be put under advisement because the first amendment states I am entitled to this right at anytime. Judge William Conley must immediately enforce the right to freedom of the press for the following reasons: Case can only be under advisement for 90 days.

( 1 ) While the Judge is independent he must enforce the law. The first amendment right to freedom of speech - press is a Constitutional Right guaranteed to the people at anytime when, as in this case there is government corruption of public concern. This comes from the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land.
( 2 ) The plaintiff has three times already moved for the Court to enforce the right to freedom of the press to inform the American public of corruption in the entire Judicial Branch of government to no avail. Rights delayed are rights denied. Not only does the court deny rights guaranteed to the people but continues economic oppression when government owes 50 million dollars for default of the 14th amendment right to due process.
( 3 ) Annotation 10 - First Amendment - Clear & Present Danger
The purpose of the speech - press clauses has evidently been to protect parties in the FREE PUBLICATION of MATTERS OF PUBLIC CONCERN, to secure their right to a free discussion of public events and PUBLIC MEASURES, and to ENABLE EVERY CITIZEN AT ANY TIME TO BRING THE GOVERNMENT and any person in authority to the Bar of Public Opinion BY ANY JUST CRITICISM UPON THEIR CONDUCT IN THE EXERCISE OF AUTHORITY WHICH THE PEOPLE HAVE CONFERRED UPON THEM… The EVILS to be prevented were not the censorship of the press merely, but ANY ACTION OF THE GOVERNMENT BY MEANS OF WHICH IT MIGHT PREVENT SUCH FREE AND GENERAL DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC MATTERS AS SEEMS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to prepare the people for an intelligent exercise of their rights as citizens.
( 4 ) The Court is the government preventing this by putting a Constitutional right I am entitled to at any time to inform the American public of government corruption, oppression to deny money owed, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, & imposed slavery.
These actions by the U.S. Supreme Court VIOLATE HUMAN RIGHTS.
[ See: ] What they have done is the same thing you are doing, DENYING THE RULE OF LAW.
( 5 ) The Oath of Office for Federal Judges
“ I do solemnly swear or affirm, that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me, according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeable to the Constitution, and the laws of the United States. So help me God.
[ See: ] also [ ]

  Wherefore, having taken oath as a Federal Judge to enforce the laws of the United States I move William Conley to enforce my first amendment right to freedom of the press this March 31, 2016 upon the media to give coverage of government corruption by Broadcast, radio, TV, internet, & publication immediately upon my request. Demand the FCC issue a letter to all broadcasters & radio this March 31, 2016 that they do not have the discretion to control what is aired when it involves government corruption or officials abuse of power as this is of public concern and the people have a right to know.
This includes Good Morning America or any show which the people view & can be informed of how to protect the guaranteed rights of government to ready them for the Constitution’s checks & balances to run a clean government. A Court Order demanding all the defendant’s involved in the above case comply with the first amendment to give Jesha Miller coverage on government corruption is to be issued by the Court this March 31, 2016. I execute my first amendment right to freedom of the press to be enforced by Judge William Conley this March 31, 2016 in the Federal Court of Wisconsin.

Respectfully empowered by the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land - Jesha Miller
DATE: March 26, 2016

1 comment:

  1. By law the 7th Circuit should intervene to enforce the right to freedom of the press, a guaranteed right to every citizen which will speak good for the Judicial branch because the appeal went through the 7th circuit to get to the U.S. Supreme Court. Two wrongs don't make a right so they must get it right this time in compliance with the first amendment that enables this right at anytime. They must enforce the law as demonstrated, we have no rights unless the rights are enforced. Rights delayed are rights denied of which Judge William Conley did to have the complaint filed because he cannot conceal corruption in his Branch of government.
